Automate data-driven video creation workflows
Plainly Videos helps video teams scale their video content output. It offers a self-serve web application that enables video teams to automate data-driven video workflows based on After Effects in the cloud.
Plainly Videos was founded by a team of creatives that saw a shift in the industry which made automation a requirement. Budgets are getting smaller, clients needier, and competition more fierce. Plainly is on a mission to make the lives of creatives as easy as possible and relieve them of manual video versioning so they can focus on what they can do best – being creative.
Plainly Videos platform is used by internal teams in Fortune 100 companies and some of the largest agencies to do a few things: version creatives automatically, execute personalized video campaigns, and create custom video automation workflows using Plainly Videos API.
Plainly Videos is a native After Effects solution – it renders After Effects projects directly without any loss of functionality or quality.
The product is built to fit any workflow and it doesn’t disrupt your creative process. The setup consists of 2 steps:
The video storage & distribution is also automated, as Plainly Videos offers cloud storage and native integrations to all major video storage providers such as Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, and FrameIO.
All of this is done in a cloud-based environment with enterprise-grade security, which eliminates the need for maintenance of the in-house infrastructure while keeping all of your data safe.
Plainly Videos offers a few key benefits: